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About Us
Dina Readinger
Chief Executive Officer of Ace Coaching Company, Creator of Diagnostic Thinking (tm)
Dina has the experience and process for helping private family-owned businesses or publicly traded companies. Dina’s process develops leaders with a new way of thinking for creating a culture where people are inspired to stay and be a part of the change. Building trust quickly and approaching every situation objectively, Dina helps teams tactically take on the first six months post-close, building strategies, developing KPIs that move stock price, and creating psychological safety for employee transition teams, focusing on solving the right problems and economics of best choice. She encourages strategies that develop the right culture for sharing great ideas and safety for frank conversations, and she believes that retention strategies should be your number one focus to maintain stockholder value.
Dina created Diagnostic Thinking(tm) in 2016 to fix 'broken thinking' and has helped hundreds of women around the globe create career acceleration and a life they love. She leveraged her own frustrations of being over-promised and underserved to create a better process for developing confidence for decisions when fear enters in.
Sharon M. Weinstein
MS, CRNI-R®, RN, FAAN, CVP, CSP®, Chief Executive Officer of SMW Group
With 3 decades of experience in corporate Learning & Development, Sharon reaches the hearts and minds of her audiences in an interactive style, on-screen and on-stage, using her clinical background to educate and engage learners. As a speaker, author, coach, and consultant, she’s known for creating and facilitating leadership programs that empower and motivate. She is a CEO, key decision-maker, board member, renowned thought leader, and co-author of Think Differently…18 Strategies to Fix Broken Thinking, solving the right problem at the right time.
Founder of SMW Group, and Principal at Diagnostic Thinking(tm), Sharon has been published and quoted in USA Today, The Washington Post, Crain’s Chicago Business, Forbes, Huffington Post, The Moscow Times, Springfield Business Journal, and multiple other business publications. As a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), and Certified Virtual Presenter, Sharon is a prolific speaker; visit her site at Immediate Past-Chair of the NSA Certification Committee for three years, she is an adjunct clinical professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Purdue Global University School of Nursing, a member of the Advisory Board of Purdue University Global, contributor to the American Nurses Association Professional Issues Fatigue Panel, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Within the Sharecare community, Sharon is a nursing expert, member of the Academy of Judges, and Clinical Advisory Board member for Carelinx by Sharecare. She chairs the HBA Ambassador Program’s Coaching/Training/Consulting practice and is an HBA Advisor for both Bayer US and Europe. Follow Sharon at ShareCare and Download her Speaker One Sheet.
Healing Healthcare Book
US $27.00 / CAN $37.00
Healing Healthcare is a poignant exploration of the intricate challenges within the health- care landscape post-pandemic and solutions for change. Faced with shortages and systemic up- heavals, the healthcare system currently teeters on the brink of collapse, prompting respons- es from a respected group of healthcare pro- fessionals who each spotlight evidence-based strategies for recovery.
Think Differently Book
The situations described in Diagnostic Thinking(tm) are familiar to us, though we often don't recognize them until we join a trusted group where ideas can be shared without fear of judgment. As a member of such a group, I found the experience deeply enriching. Hearing women I admire share fears like mine was humbling and empowering. The skills I learned have become second nature, enabling me to address challenges proactively in my daily work. I am incredibly grateful that Dina and Sharon are expanding their work with women leaders across diverse fields, helping them examine and transform their belief systems to grow as individuals and leaders.
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