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Why Is Asking So Hard To Do? Especially for Women!
By: Dina Readinger, CEO Diagnostic Thinking Many people around the world are experiencing difficulties with life. The world has changed...
Take Charge – Be Intentional
Getting out of your own way is one of the hardest things to do! I find myself getting in my own way unless I am intentional about my...
80% of Employees May Be in the Wrong Seat
I have been working with companies where it seemed that 80% of the employees are either disengaged, feeling the pains of burnout, or even...
The Science of Spirituality and Team Optimization
Harvard Business Review, The New Science of Great Teams, states the “God’s eye view” of team performance rests in the spirituality of the...
Stress – The Kryptonite of Our Success
Sleepless nights? Headaches? Muscles ache all the time.? Pain all over? Can't remember where you parked your car or the information you...
Team Transformations: Hard Heart Work Takes Time!
When I first meet a new CEO or leader whose team is need of revenue generating teamwork, engagement, and alignment of values and...
Revolution #3: Defining Power - How does family lead other family members who are employees?
When the business Leader for the family business changes his/her hat, everyone gets confused. Even the leader! How does family lead other...
What I learned as a leader from the Joplin Tornado.
The F5 Tornado – Managing Change I was leading a talented Kansas City, MO district at the time with GSK during turbulent times. In fact,...
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