Original Article: Yahoo!Life featuring Dina Readinger | SPRINGFIELD, MO / ACCESSWIRE /
Original Date Fri, April 22, 2022, 2:15 PM:
CEO of Diagnostic Thinking Dina Readinger Provides Comprehensive Solutions to Help Women "Fix" Outdated Mindsets
For every 100 men promoted to managerial positions, only eighty-six women are promoted, according to a recent Women in the Workplace report published by McKinsey and Company.

The report further states that women continue to experience the "broken rung" at the first step up to manager. Women of color, in particular, are losing ground at a much higher rate than white women. Less than 1% of the $70 trillion dollars in industry assets are managed by females or by people of color.
And as burnout and lack of advancement increases, so, too, will employees' desire to remain in their current positions. According to a 2021 Qualtrics survey, women and middle managers are poised to lead the Great Resignation in 2022.
Dina Readinger, CEO and founder of Diagnostic Thinking, reveals that the "broken rung'' starts early when young girls are told to conform, serve, do more, be perfect, and comply with a social norm of servanthood."
Readinger adds that biologically, women make different decisions than men based on their past experiences and self-defined fears and doubts when it comes to making decisions. Because of this, women are reluctant to speak up for themselves out of fear of backlash.

"There is a shift needed by corporate women around the world to own their future by asking for what they want, working on the right strategies, and solving the right problem at the right time," Readinger states. "These answers lie in the subconscious which require psychological safety and small trusted groups with other like-minded women, and a rigid process for digging into the subconscious."
"There is a shift needed by corporate women around the world to own their future by asking for what they want, working on the right strategies, and solving the right problem at the right time." – Dina Readinger, Ace Coaching Company
Global senior leaders share with Dina they are looking for women leaders who are decisive, confident, lead change, and communicate well.
To help corporate women realize their full potential, Readinger created small group coaching sessions where women could tap "into the gold of the subconscious mind." Seventy-percent of women who participate in her Diversity Diagnostic Leadership System develop more confidence and new roles within 9-12 months.
Readinger's expertise comes from her own personal experience in being "over promised and underserved" in her career. She was in constant fear of being seen as weak or less smart.
"When I retired, I saw other women suffering the same way I did during my twenty-five years in corporate America," Readinger admits. "I saw women desperately looking for strategies to take back control of their career. I created these processes to help other women overcome self-defined barriers to success. Corporate women long to take back power to narrate their career, fix their 'broken thinking,' and get out of their own way."
About Diagnostic Thinking
Diagnostic Thinking was developed in 2016, affirming that women who diagnostically think through business-critical problems accelerate opportunities and significantly increase their financial reward. Founder Dina Readinger built the group with a forty-year career in corporate America, which gave her the lens to create a powerful and undeniable system, Diversity Diagnostic Leadership Systems, to help women own and accelerate their careers. Dina is a speaker, author, certified team, and leadership coach, specializing in change management. She has a BS in Biology & Chemistry, Nuclear Medicine, and EMBA from Washington University. Diagnostic Thinking focuses on bringing solutions, reducing fear and self-sabotage, and decreasing humankind's divide. For more information, visit Diagnostic Thinking on Facebook or YouTube. For additional information, visit diagnosticthinking.com.
You can view the original article here at Yahoo!Life.